Muslim Baby Names other than Islamic origin

“You will be called on the Day of Resurrection by your names and the names of your fathers, so have good names.”

(Reported by Abu Dawud)

As said in the above ayat, it makes us clear regarding the Islamic names in the light of Quranic sayings. We know that we have to keep a proper name for our children and they should have some proper meaning and should come up to all the saying in Islam for a decent Muslim name. But some times you keep names which are not even Islamic but are appropriate. This is because Islam does not really bound us to keep Muslim baby names with Arabic origin as long as they come up to some valid sayings.
The number one and the most important rule is that the Muslim baby names chosen on such criteria should not be shirk or in any related way. It makes a person inspire for the wrong way as for Muslims Allah is the only creator and he must not be paralleled. He is the only one and none can match his supremacy.

The second rule is not having Muslim baby names that have negative connotation or are unpleasant in meaning. This makes clear for us to keep names for our children. Names like Harb were replaced by Salam.

Prophet (Peace be upon him) changed a lot of such Muslim boy names and My slum girl names by some meaning names.

The third rule is even the non Arabic originated names which have some noble and positive meaning can also be used. This will help a person lead a righteous life. When Prophet names his son, he said
“I have called him by my father’s name!”

Making it very clear for a guideline for popular Muslim baby names.


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