
Showing posts from August, 2019

Muslim Baby Girl Name Ghada and Its Information

We have always made it clear from our writings that the Muslim baby names must always have a good meaning as the names and its influence have a major impact on the person’s life. Being called by the same name makes an aura of the name and if the name turns out to be negative, a person’s personality can be affected. This is the reason, Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) used to keep meaningful Muslim baby names of the children brought to him, this makes it clear from his practice that Muslims should opt good Muslim baby girl names and Muslim boy names for their own children, Today we will discuss about Islamic names, for girls and how the we derive that good names can affect the traits as well In Syria, there is a rich tree, which is very fragrant and has a smell cant can be smelt from a far away. This tree is also dense in leaves and is shady as well. From this we can refer that the name “Ghada” has positive attributes and will have positive impacts on any person names