Things You Should Consider Before Choosing Muslim Baby Names

It’s your sacred duty to name your child on the 7th day of his or her birth because naming a child is of ultimate importance and being a parent it’s your privilege to choose a name for your children.

Choosing an Islamic name for your Muslim baby boy or Muslim baby girl is a blessed responsibility which Allah has bestowed you with and there are things which Muslim parents need to consider before naming their children.

1    1)     Choose polite names for your Muslim baby boy or Muslim baby girl. Choosing a polite name with a nice meaning emit positive vibes which are good for your child.
2)      It is not always necessary to choose an Arabic name for your Muslim baby. Arabic is the privileged language but its not obligatory to choose an Arabic name as an Islamic name for you Muslim baby.
3)      While choosing Muslim baby girl names make sure that the name is not derogatory, provocative or sexual in nature. Choose safe and nice names for your Muslim baby girl.
4)      There are many name directories available to choose an Islamic name for your babies. You can also take the help of a religious scholar.
5)      It’s best to name your Muslim baby boy or Muslim baby girl after the great personalities of Islam. For your Muslim baby boys you can choose Muhammad or you can also name your boys after the great companions of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 
6)      For your Muslim baby girl it’s best to choose a name after the women mentioned in Quran.
7)      Naming a child means choosing an identity for your Muslim boys or girls. He or she will be called by that name for the rest of their life so make sure you choose the right name
8)      It’s important to know about the zodiacs or the planets before naming your child
It looks pretty easy but it isn’t. Choosing  Islamic names for your Muslim baby is hard but rewarding. Bestow a good name on them so they remember you all their lives.


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